S2B 33876 A

Reference | S2Bb 33876 A |
Title Type | Hard Title |
Property Type | Nice/farm Land |
Surface | 33968 sqm |
Price / sqm | 6 USD |
Asking Price | 209.353 USD |
Electricity | Can Have |
Water | Can Have |
Internet | 4g |
Access Road Type | red road |

Located north east of Kampot city and not so far from the secret Lake area (Brateak Krola Lake), this hrad title vast landis ideal for develoing either a farming or an eco tourism project.
Area is still wild and not so developed, still access are easy for any vehicule and some proerties around have EDC coming to them.
Great view and natural atmosphere, the place is still quiet.
The roximity of the large lake is bringing various type of investors
Surface can be extended if needed.
Please contact us to meet the owner.